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Bad kitty


I have a 2 year old male cat who loves being walked on a leash as much as a dog does.  We recently moved in with my mom temporarily and she has a 1 year old male cat and they got along for awhile but now the 1 year old is too much for the older one (he wants to play 24/7) so the older one has been getting more and more bad tempered as time goes on and he does nothing but hiss at him and hit him and generally attack him (they don't get hurt though).  he also stopped sitting on my lap and he gets mad when i pick him up but he still follows me everywhere and cries when i leave the house.  He has also decided he no longer likes to poop in the cat box he likes to in the sink or the bathtub so we have to keep a beach ball in the sink and the tub door shut to stop him (which works but it's annoying).  i was wondering if you think this is just because he doesn't want to share the box with another male (we also have an 11 year old female but he never minded sharing with her before we moved), and once we move if he will be over it.  Also i was wondering since he likes to be outside so much is there any way to train him to go potty outside?  he never does no matter how long we stay out or what time of day it is and i don't know how to get the point across that it's a good idea.  do you think he would be as aggressive towards dogs (we plan to get 2) as he is towards another male cat?  thank you.

Seems to me you're on the right track with your Tom's behavioral problems. Is there a separate box he could use that the other male does not have access to? Many tomcats are very territorial about their litter space when it comes to other males. He lashes out at the other cat as a warning. The hissing and batting mean, "Get away from me. I don't like you." If your tom wanted to hurt the other cat, he would. Your cat just wants his space.

He may be acting less friendly toward you because, in his own kitty cat way, he is punishing you for making him share his space. He may also just be unhappy with the situation... Do you want to cuddle when you're angry? Neither does your tom.

I never recommend toilet training outside. It seems like a great idea at first, less mess, right? Most cats will not use the bathroom comfortably while you are right behind them, using a leash. The solution to that problem is usually to simply let him outside like you might a dog.

If you can train him to go outside at all, he may cease to use the litter box. That means getting up at 4:00 in the morning to let him out. If he's not altered, any time he goes out, he could be adding to the tragically booming population of strays. A fenced yard will not keep your cat in, or other cats out.

If he is neutered, you still stand to face problems. Cats who become accustomed to the outdoors often cease coming inside. There are the dangers of cars, wild cats, feline HIV and AIDS to consider as well. An outdoor cat is at a much higher risk to fall victim to those things.

As for the dogs, cats and dogs can get along. The best results come from buying both as infants and raising them together. Since your tom is already into his adolescence, I wouldn't think he would appreciate it, and I wouldn't recommend it.

If you will be adding two dogs to your home, here are a few very important tips:

-Make sure the dogs are 100% trained to obey you. The three S's are a must: Sit, Stay, and Stop.

-If your dog tries to play with the cat, the cat will view it as an attack and will lash out. He may only warn the dog with a hiss and a batting, but cats are very capable of hurting even large dogs.

-In order to keep your dog from being injured by the cat, as soon as the dog begins to go toward the cat, he must be ordered to "STOP."  "SIT." then "STAY." until your cat has gone off. We have always chosen "STOP." instead of "NO" because it is less harsh and dogs are already trained with other S words.

-Always remember that your cat's personality can change when he is forced to interact with animals he views as strange. Your sweet kitty may become withdrawn or aggressive when you add the dogs into the environment.

Best of luck!!