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Should he be an inside or an outside kitten?


I have a 5-month old mixed breed kitten, I've had him since he was 6 weeks old.  My husband and I live in a small one-bedroom house and work all day, 5 days a week.  I leave the kitten in the bathroom while we're gone (where his food, water and litter box are) because he gets into a lot of trouble in the rest of the house (jumping on the table, playing with computer wires, etc.)  Would it be better to let him outside all day while we're at work?  He is already neutered and plays outside while we're home on weekends.  But now that its winter it gets dark so early, I don't like to let him out when we get home from work at night because its harder to get him to come back inside for the night when its dark.  I know that some people say its dangerous to let cats outside, but he really likes to go out and will sit at the doors and windows crying in the evenings.  Plus, maybe he's not getting enough excercise all day, I think he just sleeps.  Whenever he goes outside during the day on the weekends, he's a much nicer, cuddly kitten in the evening.  And if he goes outside all day, should I put food outside or will that just attract strays and racoons?  Thanks for your help!


What I would do is get him another kitten his age and temperment so he will have oompany when you are gone. Especially a kitten home alone all the time needs a companion to play kitty games with, to cuddle with, to groom, and for comfort. It's not fair to the kitten to be left alone all day, 5 days a week.

Leaving him locked in the bathroom all day with nothing to see, or any attention is not good. It makes him more needy of your attention and affection when you are home.

I would at least kitten-proof your home and let him have some freedom. He gets into things because he's bored and lonely. He needs a kitty condo scratching tree by a window so he can look out, and lots of kitty toys to keep him amused.

If you want to spend some money here is a link for some good safe things for indoor/outdoor with a kitty flap:

A 5 month old is still basically a kitten and leaving him outside with no way to come in when it's cold or he gets scared is taking chances with him. Leaving food out will attract other cats and critters who may fight with him. They are like 4 legged children, they need supervision. But maybe being outside with a place he can curl up in near the door would be better than locked in a bathroom.
