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Cat Attacks Legs


Hi Ali-

 I would appreciate your help in answering a question about  one of my
american domestic short hair cats. His name is George and starting from
when he was about 9 months or so, he seems to take enjoyment in constantly
pouncing on my thighs. He will only do this in the morning and night.  He
hides behind and under things like my dining room table or boxes and waits
for me to walk by. Then he jumps out, yowls, and pounces on my thighs. He
doesn't unsheath his claws. If it helps, he is a strictly indoor cat. He only does
this to myself, not my husband or my son. I've heard of products that you
plug into the wall like and air freshener and spray "fumes" that supposedly
calm the animal down. Would these help? Thank you again for your help.



How long has George been attacking your legs?

What have you tried to deal with this less than desirable behavior?

To be completely honest there isn't much call to use the pheromone plug ins, they likely wouldn't work in this situation...This is a behavioral issue that can be changed with some basic behavioral work and consistency....With the answers to the above questions I may be able to help you to figure out how to stop this behavior so that you and George can live more happily with one another.