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My two cats are panting?


I have one male cat and one female cat both under a year. They are just getting used to Spending full time outside and they both caught their first mouse. While they were "playing" with the dead mouse, I noticed they were both panting and their eyes got very big. Is this normal?

Hi Hayden,

As in all species, panting is a way cats help to prevent overheating. It can also be seen when there is an increased need for oxygen or if blood oxygen levels are low. So you will most likely notice panting in cats when:

1. The weather is very hot
2. They are physically exerting (exercising!) themselves a great deal
3. They are in critical condition with lung or heart problems or an extremely high fever

The first two are considered normal responses. However, in the case of heat leading to panting, you should take care to relocate the cats to a cooler spot. Cats are VERY heat tolerant. If they're panting because of heat alone, heat stroke, which can lead to death, is likely to follow if they are not cooled down. If nothing less, the kitties should be wetted to the skin with mildly cool water. This works like sweating - the water evaporates and takes body heat with it (cats cannot sweat on their own).

In your cats' case, the physical activity coupled with the summer heat was certainly enough to cause healthy panting. But take care to ensure they have cold water and cool shade to avoid overheating. Or better yet, you might consider bringing them indoors for a little recovery time.

If, per chance, you ever notice panting when it's not hot and the cats aren't playing, then it's not normal, and the cat in question should see a vet immediately.

Best wishes!