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Bangle Cats


Is this breed a wild breed? Are they safe to be around our family with our children and other pets(yorkies and golden retriever?) Please answer ASAP!for we are considering buying one. Are they good mousers? Thank you for any information you can give me.  Marshia

Hi Marshia,

Bengals are WONDERFUL cats, I love them!  We had several groups of rescued Bengals come through and they are the best.  Really friendly and outgoing, they're more like dogs than cats.  The breed comes from a wild cat but the ones that you would buy have been bred with domesticated cats enough to get the wildness out of them.  They do retain some of the wildcat's traits, like how they enjoy heights and water (they WILL play in their water dish).  Another new breed which is very similar is the Toyger, it was bred by the daughter of the woman who started the Bengal breed.  Check them out, too.  I can highly recommend the Bengal as a family cat!  
As far as being mousers, that's really a cat by cat thing, but I wouldn't bet on it.  These guys have been raised by breeders and have never had to catch their own food so they probably would just play with a mouse.