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in labor cat


So my cat is about to have babies been seeing pink or red vaginal discharge she appears to lay on her side and from their she starts sleeping and will go to the litter box feels like all morning but I saw some bubble pink or almost dark red  stuff come out she cleaned it eventually but doesn't look like she is dialating I just now checked again and the bubble pink defenitly pink is back, she won't leave my side to long and I just am going nuts waiting very nervous I just want to be there with her make sure she cleans them all off and live. I have had to save a few my self but its hard to determin when she will have them do they dialate I don't remember very well ... Oh yes I want to know if there's a projection time now 7/20/2012 @ 716 MST

Hi Jeremy,

The best way to tell if she is going to have the kittens is to take her temperature. If she goes below 100' she will deliver within 24 hours. It sounds like she should be delivering the kits around now. Or she may already be delivering them by the time you read this. Two to six hours is usually the norm for labor. If it goes beyond that a vet check is warranted. Here is a link that gives some info on cats in labor.

And one on problems with labor and delivery.

Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen