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Hi Kate,
I have 3 beautiful indoor cats, all spayed and well-behaved.  HOWEVER, just recently a stray cat has decided to camp out on our porch.  I can't determine if it's a he or she..(we used a flashlight to see any determining parts, but still couldn't tell) but the meowing is driving us nuts.  I have NEVER fed the cat but have petted a few times.  What is this cat's issue?  It tries to get in the front door whenever we open it and it has even jumped up on outside window sills and scratched at the windows.  My girls just seem to ignore it, unfortunately it's driving the rest of us crazy.

I love animals and do not want to give it to the humane society where it will be killed.


sounds like a male cat calling for your cats. My female cat is spayed but still boy cats come a calling.
Try spraying around the outside of your doors with watered down lemon juice as a deterrent. Also you could try spraying the cat with water when he comes around. Also you could hand shiny bottle tops, or old CD's outside to try and scare him away, many of my neighbors do this to deter cats from their gardens.

Apart from that there is not much you can do apart from just ignoring him, hopefully he will get the message and go looking elsewhere.

best wishes