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feral kitten flea treatment?


my Neighbor And I safely trapped 4 feral kitten from my field.  their mother was hit by a car.  they were about 8 weeks old at the time. I decided to keep one the others have gone to good homes.
my question is Kali is now about 10 weeks old and has fleas.  all the medicine I can find says Don't use under 12 weeks.  I have given her baths with baby shampoo but It doesn't kill the fleas.  she is still very small.  she is just now getting healthier.  she was the weakest of the four.  She didn't eat much at first but is now eating a normal amount.
I don't want her to get sick form the fleas or the medication that kills them.  
do you have a suggestions?  I do have a flea spray But it is for puppies. I wasn't sure if I could use it on her if I diluted it with water.  
thanks Angie

Hi Angie,

Don't use the flea spray for puppies on a cat of any age. It's very likely highly toxic. Cats suffer toxic reactions, sometimes fatal, to many ingredients used in flea products for dogs.

For appropriate flea treatments, I recommend you go with Frontline or Advantage, available online, from most pet stores or through your vet. These are safe to use in kittens 8 weeks and up, have the best safety records and are most effective against fleas. They're spot-on treatments (drops) you apply to the skin. Instructions say to apply between the shoulders, but I recommend placing them on the back of the neck, as most kitties will lick it off their shoulders. You can also go with Revolution, another spot-on treatment. However, your kitten will need to see a vet to get this medication.

Best wishes!
