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Itchy ears


Hi, one of my cats has had excessively itchy ears. At first we thought it was ear mites and we treated him multiple times, but they kept itching him. It has gotten to the point that if he scratches it to much they hurt him. And it's not anything contagious because we have six other cats, none of which have this problem. Do you have any idea what it could be? Does he need to go to a vet?

Hi Marissa.  Yes, he should see a vet.  This itching may be caused by allergies related to his diet or something in the environment.  Some cats have unexplained itching.  In either case, an ear cream containing a steroid can help.  This is available by prescription only.  

But itchy ears can also be caused by a yeast infection or less often by a bacterial infection.  These two conditions require different otic antibiotics, and in the case of a bacterial infection, oral antibiotics, to clear up.  Especially in the case of a bacterial infection, there is the potential for serious complications such as damage to the ear drum and hearing loss, and a condition called vestibular disease, which causes the cat to lose balance.

Any condition that causes itchy ears can also lead to a rupture of a blood vessel in the ear flap, as the cat scratches at his ears and shakes his head.  Blood pools in the ear flap, filling it like a water balloon.  This is called an aural hematoma.  It's a painful condition that lasts for a couple of months unless repaired with a surgery that costs $500-$1000 (I've paid for 2 of them!) and will leave the ear crumpled up and very disfigured.  I would try to get your kitty in to the vet and see if you can get his itching under control before he causes himself an aural hematoma.  You certainly don't need that vet bill!

Best of luck!
