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Kitten eating


On 11/7/12 We adopted from the SPCA an 8 week old kittn.  She was spade on the same day and we picked her up the same day.  On Thursday night she ate a can of Adult cat food but since then she is refusing to eat anything. I tried to rub some on her lips, I tried heating the food up a little bit I sprinkled some crushed up cat treats on it.  She still refuses to eat.  She did drink small amounts of water then did vomit about 10 minutes after drinking. She is playful at times but does sleep alot.  I don't know what else to do.  Any suggestions until Monday when the Vet opens again?  I really appreciate any help.

Hi Alexandra,

Sorry I didn't see this until now. I hope all is well with your little girl. If she ever has a problem like that again you can try rubbing a little light Karo syrup over her her mouth. The sugar in it should help her. The not eating for a day won't hurt her but it's the not drinking that is dangerous. She can become dehydrated fast. After an operation make sure you have the number of the emergency clinic that covers for your vet. They usually have an arrangement for taking care of animals that have problems after operations. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen