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grooming orphaned kittens


Hi. I have 5 orpphaned kittens. Issues regarding   feeding,  deficating, and  keeping them warm have been answered. They are three weeks old now, their eyes are open, and they seem to be doing fine.  However, I need to find out about grooming them.  First, I tried a damp cotten ball, but this made them too cold.  Then, I used a warm toothe brush, but this was ineffective.  Finally, I have found a fine tooth comb to be effective.  However, it has been so long since they were properly groomed, that I  am encounter many knots and matted hair.  When I comb them, I often pull out clumps of knots, but this leaves the kitten bald in that spot.  Do you have any ideas for softening the kitten's fur before I start with the comb?  Am I going about this the right way?  Please anser as soon as you can.  

hi Karen, My goodness do these kittens have enough hair at 3 weeks that they need to be groomed? You must be doing a good job of feeding for them to be in that kind of condition. I would suggest a spray on no tears type of leave in hair detangler. These are sold for use in children and they are very safe. The kitten will get wet when you use it so you will have to keep the kittens dry and warm the first time. It thickens the hair and makes it easy to comb through without pulling hair out. Once it is dry it keeps the hair silky and manageable for a week or so! I find it a wonderful product !! Soon, they should start grooming themselves but if they have that much hair you will still need to be combing them regularly. Keep their hair scissored short around their rectum so you don't have any build up of dirt there.