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Four years ago we took in a stray Persian that had an open wound from shoulder to tail. Needless to say it was a long road to recovery and she has since healed extremely well. The problem I have is that we get her clipped to prevent her fur matting and there is a rather large area on her rump where the fur never grew back that gets quite dry. Is there anything I can apply that won't hurt her to digest as she tends to lick everything and has slight digestion problems? Thank you

Hi Tameka,

I'm not exactly sure what's available in your area. Creams would be best for her - try to keep her attention away from the area until they are mostly absorbed. You can use Cortaid or Neosporin cream (avoid ointment versions, which may exacerbate stomach problems). You can even use a Vitamin E stick made with beeswax. This is heavier than the creams but may be a good choice if her skin gets very flakey. Just be sure there are no active sunscreens added.

Best wishes!