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pregnant runt


Just a really quick question...  my cat is the runt of the litter and a little bigger than a kitten.  She has recently become pregnant.  Is this going to be a risk to her health?  Do runts give birth as naturally as other cats?  This pregnancy was NOT planned.  (She was scheduled to be spayed a week after she got out, but of course, when I told the vet she got out they told me to wait.) Anyway, my cats are perfect in every way and they're my entire world. I love them with all of my heart.  If anything were to happen to my cat, I don't know what I would do.  What can I do to ensure a smooth delivery?  

Thank You SOOOOO Much


That's going to be difficult to answer you didn't mention her age, but I'll try my best. If this pregnancy wasn't planned and these kittens have no where to go I prefer you abort the pregnany meaning since you were going to get her spayed, you continue with the spay by telling your vet and they will remove the uterus and the ovaries and all in other words the entire reproductive system and the kittens as well but if you can take care of all the kittens or have have homes for them then you should allow her to give birth. You should be prepared with an emergency kit for your cats delievery because the way you describe your cat as if she is still a kitten itself and if it is then she wont know how to take care of her first litter or either she'll be a poor mother I've expirenced that with my cat lol. Have plenty of kitten bottles on hand with you and plenty of cans of supplemental milk incase your female can't nurse them or wont. Have sterile scissors incase she doesn't chew the umbilical cord. Have cloths and everything handy. There is a possibility that if your female cat is that young that she might not pass the kittens through or as small as she is the litter may be tiny or all sick or all runts its a possibility and if she's that small its also a possibility of death which is what happen to one of my female cats who escaped the house when I opened the door and got pregnant and she died trying to pass a kitten, I couldn't make it to the vet in time. I Hope I helped if not just email me back again.