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Cat in labor.


my cat seemed to have been in labor and it started almost three hours ago.  she seemed to be having labor pains and contractions.  she was crying all night and she has been in the the birthing position on and off.  she has not eaten all day, but she has had water.  starting about ten minutes ago, her contractions seemed to have stopped and now she is playing and running around.  is there something wrong? i called the emergancy vet an hour ago when she was having her contranctions, and they said to just keep an eye on her. but now she just seems to not have any contractions anymore. should i be worried, or should i just leave her alone?


I think your kitty needs to see a vet.  It is not normal for cats to shut down after starting birthing contractions.  I would expect there is something wrong and would have a vet check her out.  IF she has started up again and has given birth, then you can ignore this.

Once real hard labor begins, the first kitten should be produced in about an hour. About 50% of the kittens are born breech (back end first), so, even though mama may have to work harder, it is not unusual for the first kitten to be breech.

I am out of town and apologize for not getting to this sooner!!!!!

Concerned regards... Norm.