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feral cat has disappeared...


We have been feeding a feral cat mama and two kitties for the past four years.  We haven't made much progress trying to socialize them, the mama cat got to the point where she would wind my legs and let me scratch the back of her neck but I could not pick her up, the son and daughter begrudgingly let me scratch the back of their neck when I put food down for them, they will not let me touch them any other time and will run if I get too close.  We trapped the mama and her daughter and the were fixed, the boy hangs around and doesn't seem very interested in "making babies".  Any how, last week the mama cat started acting a little funny and would run when I would put food out.  This went on for a few days and now she has just disappeared.  My question is - Do cats go away to die?  I know she would be in the woods behind the house if she were able, but I can't find her anywhere.  I've read that elephants go off to the "elephant graveyard"  but do other animals do that too?  Also her daughter seems to be sad and looking for her and (the son seems indifferent)I don't know what to do to help her.  I can't pick her up or love on her.  What will this do to her if her mama is indeed gone?  So sorry for rambling on but it just hurts me that she's gone and her daughter is sad.  By the way I'm sad too.  Any help will be appreciated.  Cheri  

yes it is true that animals get away from people they care about to die because they dont want them upset. as for the daughter she most likely is sad because she cant find her mom and is used to being with her all the time. she just needs some loving and warmth to make her feel sucure. Do you have them in the house at all?? if so try and get the female to trust you by petting her while she eats and say its okay and make her feel loved their like humans they suffer a loss to and deal with it diffrently.

keep me updated
