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me cat keeps getting all matted on her (long haired)


hi i have just won Britain's poshest cat and my cat seems to be getting matted all over her body she is long haired but i don't understand what they are i thought they were furballs but i have looked up and they are not. we keep having to hold her down and she is getting really upset about it is there anything we can do? because we have to keep cutting them and we are scared incase we cut her skin.
is there are recommendation you can give me to get rid of them.or any grooming tools we can use.
thanks peyton


If your cat is that badly matted, I would take her to a cat and dog groomer and have her clipped down!

You need some metal combs (some with wider teeth and some with narrower teeth), and comb her every day.  Right now, as spring time approaches, many cats are beginning to shed.  The old, dead hair gets tangled with itself and any new hair and causes matting.

Combing her every day will go a long way to keeping her mat free!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.