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Bump on the head


Hi, I have a kitten who is about 7 months old. Two days ago he was perfectly fine and then yesterday morning all of a sudden there was this huge bump on the back of his head. We recently got him a new cat condo thing (It's 6 feet tall) so our guess is that he fell off/bumped his head trying to jump to the top level. The bump looks and feels exactly like a "goose egg" that a human gets when we bump our heads real hard. My question is, is this normal in cats? My mom has had a lot of animals and said she's never seen a cat get a bump like that. My roommates and I are trying to decide if it's necessary to spend the money to take him to the vet. He is acting completely normal and the bump doesn't even seem to hurt; he lets us touch it. So overall I wouldn't be too worried except for the fact that I just don't know if it's normal. My roommates and I are college students so vet bills are no fun, but of course we're willing to take him if it's necessary. Thank you.

Hi Lauren,

While I cannot diagnose what his problem is or the severity of it, I can tell you what *I* would do.  Based on his age and the fact that it's likely he just hit his head because of your recent purchase, I would wait and observe him closely if and only if he has no symptoms of any underlying condition, i.e. lack of appetite, loose stools, walking awkwardly, tilting his head, or any other behavior that you would consider abnormal for him.  Give it a few days and if you are still concerned, contact a vet, but to be honest, if he really did hit is head, there is nothing worthwhile they can do for him.  The only other thing I could possibly think of is a tumor, but like I said, that would be highly uncommon for a kitten his age, and it wouldn't just appear like that overnight.  Please note, I am not a vet or vet tech while I do have ample experience in dealing with cats with a variety of conditions.  You should do what you feel comfortable with.  Watch him very carefully for the next few days, make sure he is eating and drinking normally, as well as using the litter box.  I wish you the best of luck!

Best regards,