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stray cats


my tom cat which ive owned for over 3 years has gone misin for bout 3 months his known to wonder but its out of character for him to have gone for this long. i was wonderin how long tom cats normally stray for

Sadly there is no definitive answer to this question. Every cat is different, yes some cats, especially tom cats (un neutered) will wander and can be gone for some time.

However I must say that three months is on the longer period of time side than I world say would be normal if he has just gone wandering. Normally they would go off for a few days to a week but would normally return for food etc.

So in your cats case either he has wandered off and has been unable to find his way back for whatever reason, or he is physically unable to get back (I don't want to say more) or he has found himself a new home which is always possible (why he would do this, who knows, I once had a cat who wandered off and found another home, it may have been my other cat, again who knows).

Sorry I have been unable to give you a definite answer but unfortunately there just isn't one.

Fingers crossed that your cat returns home yet, it is always still possible, as I have heard of stories of cats going missing and coming home after a year or so.

Best wishes Kate