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Cat behavior


Hi. I adopted a cat in December and I can tell she has trust issues because her eyes become dilated easy and runs away from the smallest sounds. But she still hides, doesn't like to play, not affectionate and just sleeps all day. She doesn't meow at all. Just when she's hungry and she waits until I walk away until she'll eat. What's wrong with her? She's 5 and a siamese/snowshoe mix. My mom calls her boring and is thinking about taking her back to the shelter. Please help

First of all i don't know what to say about your moms comment. A cat is not a toy or a play thing there to entertain you. It is a companion and like all people companions they are all different. Some are quiet some are loud, some are active and some are not.

It sounds to me like your cat may have not been socialized properly when she was s small kitten. Or maybe she was ill treated in the past. Either way it could take some time before she comes out of her shell, if ever, some cats are simply shy.

All you can do is to not force things. Let her take things at her own pace. If she wants to hide let her. if you try to force her out she will only become even more afraid.

take things slowly, offer her the occasional treat. Try to play with her with toys such as string etc. As I say it could take a long time but she needs to learn that she is safe with you and that you are not scary people.

Please check out my website for lots more information about looking after cats etc.
