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My Cat Is Lonely ?


I moved from a park home where my cat could roam freely, to an apartment with a large balcony. My cat cannot get down to the ground floor so is confined to the apartment and balcony. My next door neighbour had a cat (we have a shared balcony) but she has now moved and although her cat seemed to get annoyed with my cat,(mine used to chase her) it is obvious my cat is missing her. She keeps going out and looking for her. We are out at work all day, home for 1 hours lunch but she seems so lonely. Would it be advisable to get a kitten to keep her company, my cat used to love playing with next doors cat. What should I do, please help

Hi Jennifer!
Most certainly YES!  Your cat would love the company and companionship!  At first there will be some agression, hissing and growling, but they will eventually get along great and be best pals. Having both spayed and/or neutered would be advisable.
God Bless,