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My cat is pooping in my bed.


I have a 14 year old female cat who is spayed. I rescued her from a horrible living situation over 13 years ago. Periodically over the years, she has pooped in the shower or the spare bed; however, in the last 3 months or so, she will not use the litter box to poop at all. She is now pooping in my bed as well as the spare bed. Please help. How can I get the cat to use the litterbox for pooping? Why would she be pooping on the beds?


There are two possibilities. First, and, given her age, most likely is that she has developed a physical problem.  A trip to the vet would be warranted to see what may be going on.  She could have worms; her anal glands may need expressing; she may have lost some control over her bowels; etc.

The other possibility is that she has a behavioral problem.  Did something in the household change 3 months ago?  Was there a new addition, 2 legged or 4 legged?  Did the type or brand of litter you are using change? Etc.

I am giving you a link to an excellent article on feline housesoiling, written by a vet who was also a cat breeder:

In addition, I would clean everywhere she is pooping inappropriately with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available at most pet supermarkets or farm stores).

Best regards... Norm.