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Tux vs Coon


Tux was using her litterbox, Coon heard, and immediately headed that way and commenced to start a fight, I broke it up, or should I just let them go at it.  Tux was cornered with no place to go.  Afterwards after Tux took high ground I tried to comfort her, well she didn't like that.  She started hissing and when I tried to touch her she swatted at and nailed me.  I ran Coon out of the room then closed the door.  Now this am she hides from me and if I do get close she growls or tries to swat again.  Does she find me a threat now since I was there during the fight.  Now as I sit typing she is on the table, letting me pet her,  or not.

When I take her food to the main dining area for the other two will she eventually find it or do I need to show her where it is?  Do I need to relocate the litter box now that Coon knows where it is,  was thinking about it anyway,   would have to show her the new spot?   Poor little thing I feel sad for her having a big bully pick on her all the time.


Recall, I said that any human interference is counter productive.  You must let them sort out their relationships on their own even though it may not be to your liking.  To me, the correct approach in the litter box incident was to leave it all alone.

As to relocating the litter box, yes show her where it is.

In time, Tux will be OK with you.  However, you will have to do it on her terms.  Let her approach you.  If she asks to be petted, then pet her.  

Again, be carful about ascribing human motives and emotions to cats, they do not think as we do!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.