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Ragdoll Cat


I have just become the owner of an eight month old male Ragdoll. He was raised in a cage and a friend of mine bought him and he wouldn't bond with him or his girlfriend. Only with their other Ragdoll. He was moved three times in two weeks. I've had him for four days and he hides under the bed during the day ,comes out about seven in the evening and runs if he sees me move. Please tell me how to help this cat...Oliver ..overcome his fear of people, especially me! Thanks


This poor cat has been moved from pillar to post.  Cats are not great at change and this poor fellow has been traumatized by too many major changes too quickly.  Given all this, 4 days of hiding is not bad.

The best way to help this cat is to make pretend he does not exist.  DO NOT APPROACH HIM!  Let him decide to come to you when he is ready.  Give him his food and water and change out his litter pan.  As long as he is using the litter pan and eating and drinking normally, things are not as bad as you may think.

Let him think being close to you is his idea.  Once he approaches you and rubs on you, then, and only then, should you pet him.  Eventually he should come around.  Do not think in terms of days but of weeks, before he may get enough self assurance to approach you.  He needs to know he will have a stable environment and that none of the people in the household are threats to him.  The best way is to just leave him be and come around on his own.

Now, if he approaches you tentatively, DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT.  Blink, look away, or whatever, as direct eye contact (especially staring) may be interpreted as demanding dominance.  Let him make all the first moves.

Please let me know how it goes.

Good luck & best regards...Norm