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Just about a month ago, my mom gave me back my cat and her 4 kittens. About 2 -3 weeks ago she started going to the bathroom everywhere except the cat litter box. I'm not sure what the problem is, I put her and the kittens in the bathroom at night so she doesn't go the my girls bedroom.
I know shes little box trained, i've raised her sence she was 2 days old. would you beable to help me with this problem?

Hi Melody, well part of the problem could be that she is not spayed. Unspayed cats tend to be very dirty especially if they are in heat. The other part of the problem would be that she is in a new house and trying to establish her territory. she may feel nervous and unsafe even though she doesn't show it on the outside she is showing it by soiling in inappropriate places in the home. Do you have other animals? young children? and how old are her kittens?