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Hiding kitten


Hi there, we adopted a 10 week old kitten four days ago.. The first couple of days he was very timid but has been gradually coming to life, playing, feeding and allowing us to cuddle him. This morning our toddler was chasing him and he ran off to hide, the problem is I haven't been able to find him since, he has been hiding for over 6 hrs. This is the longest time he has hidden, I have check everywhere and just don't know where he can be, he definitely couldn't have gotten outside. I am so worried that he may have hurt himself or got stuck somewhere. Is it normal for kittens to behave like this?

Thank you

Hi Emma,
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Have a house full of feral kitties I am trying to tame. Hopefully you found him. Or more likely he came out of hiding. And yes, after being chased by a toddler, he will hide. You need to keep the baby away from him until he is older,(both). Not for the kitten but for the safety of your child. A cornered kitten will bite. Hope this helped. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen