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Want to return new cat to breeder


I purchased a 2 yr old Ragdoll from a breeder several days ago.  I currently have a 6 mo old Maine Coon.  I introduced the new cat by putting her in a safe room, however, she has NOT stopped meowing since I brought her home.  I have not slept in days !  I live in a condo & have had complaints from my neighbors about the cat meowing all night. (she is VERY loud.) Also, my other cat is getting stressed. I've tried everything I can to calm her down, but to no avail. I know I should give it more time, but I feel completely drained & now I just want her out of here so we can return to peace & quiet.   Also, I feel sorry for her...she has ben in the hidey hole of the cat condo for days.  What's your opinion?  Thanks very much!

I know your frustration.  Pets are like children, and they all pose challenges at some point.  And it's normal for cats to cry for the first couple weeks when they go to a new, unfamiliar home.  If this challenge is too big for you, then I would contact the breeder to see about returning her.  You probably would not be entitled to a refund, but it's better than turning her in to a shelter.  87% of cats who go to shelters are euthanized, according to a recent study.  Even purebreds.