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pregnant kitty?


QUESTION: Well I am unsure if my cat is pregnant or not. She got out about 3 weeks ago right after she went into heat and reappeared 3-4 days later. From that I assumed that she had mated and is pregnant but of course I am unsure. She has been growing like she is pregnant (she has a small frame) and eating more with a definite mood change. BUT...last night she was acting like she was in heat and while it did not look like blood she did have wetness on her tail. Are these things normal?

ANSWER: Hello Barbara,

Yes it is possible that she is pregnant. Everything you have mentioned is normal, but I would keep a close eye on her anyway, especially the wetness on her tail (if this is coming from her back end),just make sure it does not get any worse or start to smell, if it does get her checked by a vet.

A cats gestation period is normally between 63 to 70 days, so it may be worth getting a vet to check her in another week to see if he can palpate her tummy to check if she is pregnant.

I hope this has helped a little

Thank you


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: in addition to my question last night we went through the same thing last night again! She isn't acting like this during the day just at night. And we have a neutered male and before now we have caught them in the act as we did last night. why would this be happening? she is a siamese so i am abt at my wits end.


Your cat, judging by the small amount of information you have given me is acting normally for a queen in heat, especially if you have a male in the house, castrated or not. Cats are crepuscular by nature therefore she will act like this, more so, during dawn and dusk and at night time. You also probably have toms hanging around outside at night time that she can hear calling, or even see. Many cats even if they are early stage pregnant, and at times even spayed, will still display behaviours such as calling and lordosis etc, it is part of their innate behaviour and every cat will be different in the extent to which they display. The only way you are going to calm this behaviour is if you have her spayed im afraid, or obviously wait until the season is over when you will find the behaviour will calm down.

Thank you
