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We rescued a cat


We ran across some kids being mean to this cat,so we got it and brought it home.we have noticed that its eye has been knocked out.what can we do do for him till we can get in to see the vet,what would you suggest cleaning it with?


This is a medical emergency, this kitty needs to see a vet immediately. If you take a wait and see tactic in this case your kitty may lose function in his eye permanently or even have to have the eye removed. All that you can do at this point is to try and keep the eye clear of debris and dirt while on the way to the vet clinic. I wouldn't recommend that you try cleaning the eye, this is a job for the experts and a mistake may cost this kitty his sight in that eye. It's also a good idea to call around to local shelters while this kitty in the hospital being treated to find out if a family is missing their kitty and to consider putting up found kitty posters with this cat's picture, the location and time that you found him and where you can be reached if someone wants to claim their family pet. As for the children that you saw tormenting this cat I think that it would be a good idea to file a report with the local animal cruelty authorities so that these kids are disciplined to the full extent that the law allows and their parents are made aware of the cruelty that they showed to this cat. There are many good studies which prove a direct link between cruelty to animals and cruel criminal acts against vulnerable people so these kids need psychological/psychiatric treatment so that these acts of cruelty aren't repeated.