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queens with other cats


i have a young pregnant female and a male who is jsut one possibility of the father. i am wondering if it is safe to keep him around the kittens after they are born. i know that lions and tigers for example will kill the kittens if the female wont mate becasue she is takin care of the kittens, so i was jsut wondering if it was the same with house cats. i want what is best and safe for our pregnant cat and if it is not safe to have him around the babies then please let me know. i am sure every situation is different but can you at least send me your opinion to my email provided. thanks. paula

Hi Paula,

Most times it is okay to have the dad around. You just have to watch them. There occasionally is a tom that will hurt the kittens so he can breed again but it doesn't happen alot. If he exhibits hurtful behavior towards the kittens keep him away. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen