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Cat Urine



I was just wondering if you knew how dangerous the odors of cat urine can be, because I am just about nine months pregnant and paid for an apartment to move into and i walked in to check it and it smells very strongly of cat urine, they tried to steam clean it and it still smells so strong that it stings my nose. Is this unhealthy for or my baby? I'm not sure if you would know the answer to this, i just don't want to move into a place that would put me or my baby at risk. I especially don't want to move into a place, and have my newborn smell a dangerous fume.

Hi Sarah, congratulations on your upcoming baby. what you are smelling is the ammonia created by the cat urine. Ammonia in high concentrations is not good for you or your newborn baby. It would be impossible for me to tell if you are at such a risky level. Being that the carpeting is still probably wet the smell will be stronger and also being pregnant you will be more sensitive to smells.. But it could also be that the backing on the carpet it breaking down and causing the odor.  Is it that you are aware of the smell and it is unpleasant.. or is it so strong that it almost makes you gag or your eyes water? Aside from the slight chance that your health may be at risk this certainly does not sound like the type of place you want to be when you are pregnant and caring for a little newborn . Personally I would insist your landlord do something about neutralizing the smell (there are lots of good products on the market right now) or just remove and replace the carpeting... or I would consider moving before you get any closer to your due date.