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himalayan cats


i have two himalayan cats, one male and one female.  i was wondering if you
knew anything about the mating rituals of himalayan cats, i cant seem to find
any information about it anywhere,  thanks.


If you have two healthy unaltered cats of opposite sexes it is just a matter of time. The female cat has to be in season to allow the male to mate with her. Female cats are induced ovulators which means that in order for them to ovulate they must have sex with a male cat. If you have any reason to think that your cats are not mating due to health reasons then I would suggest a trip to the vet just to make sure that conditions are optimum for breeding purposes. I do recommend that you take the breeding pair to the vet and have them completely examined including blood and urine panels and your vet may be able to make recommendations that will help to accelerate the breeding process. Hopefully this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.