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Cat with injured foot


I have a cat that is outside most of the time. But when he came in this morning limping and unable to move his foot. I think it might be broken but I don't have the money to take hime to the vet. What can I do to help him until I can afford it and to find out what's wrong?

Hi Elizabeth, well of course veterinary care is always the best option but until you can get him there keep him inside, make sure he is eating and drinking ok, and try to have a look at the foot to see if you can see a puncture. If you can cut some of the hair off the foot is the best to keep it clean and to have a look at it. You can then soak the foot in warm water with some salt in it. If he has a puncture this will keep it clean and help it drain so it doesn't close over and cause a bigger problem. If the foot is broken there is nothing you can do to help him except rest it. Teresa