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Really worried! Overdue fear


QUESTION: Hi Teresa,
My cat is a little over a year old. This is her first litter. I fear she is extremly overdue and don't not have the money to take her to the vet (would lose everything if something seriously wrong happened to take her in). However, I am not sure. The date of conception is unknown. I didn't write it down. I know the day, because she is a house cat who the kids let out. I chased her down but couldn't catch her ( in my nighty and no undergarments). Anyways, she started to show over 5 weeks ago. At that time, I was at another job talking about it. I have been at my new job for 5 weeks and still no kittens. I have been watching her closely and doing everything I have read to do. Been monitoring her temperature, inspecting her nipples. And nothing to indicate that birth is near. She isn't searching, purring excessivly, no loss of appetite. She has lost activity. And I have felt fetal movement for 3 weeks. I started worrying that she was overdue 2 weeks ago, and still nothing. Her temperature has been between 100.4 and 100.7. She is so huge she can't walk right, lay right, or move right. I am afraid the kittens are going to be too big to deliver. Is there anything I can do? How do you know when they are too overdue? There are no signs that she is even getting close, except the enlarged shape she has. I know the kittens inside are moving, but truly lost with what to do. Could she stop her own labor because of my other animals or kids? I have locked her in my room with a box and blanket, turned off the a/c vent, and she just scratches to get out. So for the last two weeks I leave my door cracked and simply wait. But, I know she has been too pregnant for too long. Help me please!!!!!

ANSWER: Hi Michelle from what you describe I don't think you have anything to worry about. There is no way she can delay her labour any more than you could! And there is no way she is going to stay pregnant forever. So, that just leaves the big question, "when?"
If you have been feeling movement for about 3 weeks then that would make her 9 weeks along. Cats have a gestation period that runs 63-69 days at the outside. So, as you expected, she is due any moment! I would not worry about her kittens being too large unless she is a purebred persian and is going to have flat faced, large headed babies. She should be fine and large kittens have a better chance of survival when born. Some cats, especially young ones, do not seek out a nesting spot until they actually start labour. It sounds like your girl has no interest in preparing anything for her upcoming brood. So, it is lucky you have something ready that you can direct her toward when the contractions start. She may try to have her kittens in the litter box as the sensation is so strange to her... so keep bringing her back to your room and sitting with her with the door closed so that the only place she can deliver is this lovely box.
Not to worry, she will be fine. I hope you have plans to spay her asap so you don't have to be running out in your nightie anymore !LOL

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much. You truly eased my mind. This afternoon at 1 pm my cat delivered 6 beautiful kittens. The seem to be doing extremly well, eating, and in pretty good size. No birthing problems. She was a true champ and needed no help in delivery. Only concern is that one baby had umbilical cord still attached inside of her. Another baby was born and was still attached. At that point I used dental floss and detached it. The next baby was born and the placenta from this baby was delivered. I still haven't seen baby #5s placenta. Could this be a problem or could she have eaten it before I noticed? What signs indicate retained placenta? Thanks again for your help!

Hi Michelle, Well she certainly didn't waste a lot of time popping out those 6 kittens! :)
It is possible she ate that placenta without you noticing as there is a lot of licking going on... or she may have retained it. Sometimes it will be several hours after the baby is born that the placenta will come out. If she stops eating, seems listless, doesn't want to care for the kittens or any other 'odd' sign.. then you may want to get her to a vet to see if she retained that placenta. Otherwise, I would assume all is well...congratulations !