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pregnant outdoor cat


We have an outdoor cat who is about 10 months old and is pregnant.  She has
been showing for at least 2 weeks and my best guess is that she will deliver
in early June (do you agree with that timeframe?).  I want to bring her into my
laundry room prior to delivery for safety reasons-we live in the middle of the
woods with a racoons, foxes, etc. around as well as another male cat that is
ours as well.  At what point should I bring her in-I hate to "disrupt" her
outdoor life prematurely, but don't want to wait too long either.  Secondly, we
have an overseas trip planned for mid June.  Should she be okay as long as I
have someone stop by once daily to check on her and the kittens?  Any help
would be great!

Hi Lea, I would start introducing her to the inside of your home asap. Try luring her inside with wonderful bits of food and then just let her leave again. If she feels unsafe then she will not want to have her kittens there. If it is 2 weeks since she started to swell and look a little pregnant then she is probably about 5-6 weeks along which would make her due in 3 weeks give or take a couple of days.. so mid June is pretty darn close ! :)
If you can get her used to coming indoors and to having her kittens indoors then, yes, she will be fine with someone stopping by daily to feed and water her.. change a litterbox etc.
Good luck with this. Some of these feral cats never really come around and want to live with people...