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Cat wake me up every morning for food


HI Karen,
My cat is a 3 years old Angora, i used to feed him every morning (around 8;00am) & night (around 8:00pm) with mixed (dry & canned food), & i put dry food in between meal in case they get hungry, but he just won't eat it (i have another cat, she would eat dry food), & recently, he comes to my bed, meow & pat my face every morning at 5:00am to wake me up for food, i could not close the door, because he would scratch it. do you have any suggestion could stop him fm doing this? thank you!!

Hi Emma,

Try changing the dry food. Go to a high quality product like Wellness, Evo, Natural Balance, Eagle Pack. Usually cats love this stuff. Just make sure you do the changeover gradually. It should take about 2 weeks to change them over completely. He is coming up to you at 5 because he has you trained to respond to him at that time. It may take a little time but you you must not respond to him in a positive fashion at that hour. I have two cats that tried that with me. They both now wait with the rest. I'll give you another little tip for breaking him of the morning wakeup call. Blow in his face. Blow like a little sharp puff. Cats don't like this and he will back down from you. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen