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My cat has recently given birth to four adorable kittens, but because she was a young mother she has developed epilepsy. I was just wonder, does this affect her kittens and how she will look after them in any way? I'm worried about her as well. Because she has epilepsy, will she have to be put down before the kittens are old enough to be ok without her?

Hi Are  you sure your cat has epilepsy?? If you cat is having convulsions it could be due to milk fever which is not uncommon with new litters. It is also fatal so make sure you get her checked out if you have not already. If she really is epileptic it may be passed on to her kittens but it should not affect her as far as being a good mom cat etc. I would not expect you would have to put her down as there are good medications for epilepsy these days. This is something you should really discuss with your vet and he/she would be able to advise you better. Teresa