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pregnant kitty??


Hi i have across bengal kitty who is a year old who has mated with my glitterglam male bengal, we didnt intend on breeding just yet but they have anyway we are unsure if she is pregnant or not as she has a big belly and i muself have felt some movement in her belly and i had a listern to her belly and it sounds like water filled bibbles, her nipples are still small, i read on the web that her nipples should be big and pink, how many weeks could she be? Thank you for reading.


Did you witness a breeding?  If so, you count from the second day after the breeding to 21 days. At this time the nipples usually get bright pink and protrude more. This phenomenon only lasts a couple of days, so you have to be right on top of it.

The nipples do not become bigger until a few weeks into the pregnancy, so until it is 5 or 6 or more weeks into it, the nipples may not really change much.

Cat gestation is normally 63 to 68 days, with 63 being a normal minimum and 68 being a normal maximum. You do not want to wait past 68 days!!!!!!!!!!

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Best regards... Norm.