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Rescued Persian


Two weeks ago I adopted a female Persian from a Rescue Center. Athina is 8 years old, spayed and front declawed. She had been the only pet in the couple's home for 8 years (they are starting a family and they don't want a cat around their children and gave her up). Since bringing her home I have not been able to touch her. She hides under the amoire all the time so she can watch me. If I walk remotely close to where she is hiding she hisses, growls, swats at me. I have tried talking to her in a sweet voice, leaving her totally alone to get acclimated to her new surroundings, but not sure she is ever going to settle in. She is eating well and using her litter box, so no problems there. She is just so ill tempered.

Any suggestions?



Hi Vicki, the older the cat is, the longer it takes them to accept change. How kind of you to adopt her and I am comfortable that she will come around for you. Persians are very placid easy going cats. They are not normally skittish or ill tempered so I think she probably just needs some time. What I would recommend is to put her in a small room, ie the bathroom, with a litter box and a bowl of water.
Cats will be more comfortable in a smaller space then being loose in the house. She will feel so much safer there than being in a large area. Let her get used to this room and you will find her warming up within a day or so. It also makes it easier for you to touch her and get to know her in a smaller space. You do not want her to develop the habit of running from you whenever she sees you coming. So, if she is in the bathroom you can pet her and hold her and she will get used to it and know that you are a good person that is not going to harm her. She doesn't know that now. Also do not free feed her while she is in the bathroom. When you go into the bathroom bring her food in with you and let her associate you with food. Once she is running to greet you in the bathroom then move her into a bigger room ie the bedroom and repeat this process.
I would be very surprised if she is not your best friend in a week or so !