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I own a 16 week old ragdoll kitten. We often have to wash him and are using human baby wash at the moment. Is this ok or should we use a product specifically for cats, and if so, can you recommend any
many thanks


I have never bathed a Ragdoll, but have bathed, Persians, Maine Coons, and Birmans, so I am going to assume there is not much difference in the basic techniques.  Also, I am assuming you are just cleaning the kitten up and not giving it a show bath.

BTW, starting early to bath the kitten is a very, very good idea.  What you are doing is OK, but I would get some Groomer's Goop (online), and start with that.  Nest, use a good daily clarifying shampoo (like Suave or Pantene). End up with something like Ice Shine should do the trick.

The most important thing is to make sure you rinse thoroughly (squeaky clean) after each shampoo.

When the shampooing is over, we like to use the German chamois cloths to dry.  You can then use a pet hair dryer (human ones get too hot) to dry till he is damp, or get a Holmes heater on the lowest heat setting and highest fan setting and dry him in a crate (we like a wire dog crate meant for a small to medium sized dog). 30 to 45 minutes in front of the Holmes heater should get him dry enough.

I know this sounds like a lot, but with combing him out once weekly, bathing once monthly should keep him presentable, unless there is an accident where he really musses himself.

Best regards...Norm.