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Flea question



We have 7 indoor cats and 2 dogs. We apply a topical flea treatment monthly, and thankfully haven't had any problems this year.

One of the guests at the hotel I work at knows that I rescue and occasionally foster kittens, and found a young (3-4 week old) kitten along the side of the road, and brought it to me. The poor thing is literally crawling with fleas. First order of business was to give it a bath with Dawn, and a second scrub and rinse when I saw the rinse water. The poor thing was just -covered-. I've still found a few live fleas that I'm pulling off and drowning in alcohol, and will give another bath soon, but my primary worry is the sheer amount of flea eggs that are falling off of him. I'm planning on vaccuming the area very well and disposing of the vacuum bag ASAP, but my question is this:

With the other animals being flea-dropped and protected, do I need to overly worry about a flea infestation from the eggs, since they'd only be able to feed on the kitten and the humans, and fleas can't live off human blood? I'm taking him to the vet later today, and I'm going to inquire about Capstar if he's heavy enough (i highly doubt it), but I'm worried about the others getting an infestation from this. Please advise.

Thank you so much for your time and advice!

Hi Amand,

You are doing the right thing. Once you get the little one's fleas under control you shouldn't have any more problems. Your cats and dogs are treated so they are protected. The only other thing you might want to do is get some food grade diatomaceous earth and spread it on your carpets. This will kill any of those buggers and their eggs. And it is safe for pets. Problem solved. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen