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9 week old kittens


Hello, I just got two 9 week old female kittens, my first question is they are both litter trained and i have seen them both do their business in the litter but one of the female kittens( the runt) has urinated 3 times on the bed. she did when we first brought her in and once last night when no one was home? is there something wrong with her?
my next question is the I also have a 7 year old cat who is being very territorial, we have had them for a week now, will she ever let them close to her and not growl and hiss?

Hi Kristy.  Most likely, there is nothing wrong with the kitten who's had a couple of accidents.  She is probably just a little confused about her new home and where the litter box is.  If at all possible, I'd recommend limiting her to one room with a litter box until she is using it all the time.  Definitely try to keep her out of the bedroom until then, so she doesn't make it a habit to go on the bed.  If it's not really possible to keep her in a small, confined area, consider adding a couple more litter boxes in different places.

It's important to clean accident areas with an appropriate cleaner.  Otherwise, the cats will still be able to smell urine stains and may mistake it to be an okay place to eliminate.  Treat any carpets, bedding or furniture with an enzymatic cleaner to get rid of stains.  Nature's Miracle, available at pet stores, is a good one.

Your older cat is reacting normally to having the new kittens in the house.  Actually, it sounds as though things are going quite well.  As long as the 7-year-old is not chasing down the kittens and trying to do them harm, I think you're on your way to a harmonious household.  Hissing and growling alone are not always as bad as they sound - they are just a warning to the kittens that she isn't ready for close contact with them.  On average, it takes about 2 weeks for cats to begin tolerating each other, and they gradually warm up to each other over the next few weeks.  You can try feeding the three some special food on opposite sides of the same room at the same time.  Move their bowls closer together every day, and soon they should be eating side-by-side without a problem.  And they'll associate the pleasant experience with one another.