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pedigree long hair cat care


IHAVE SEVERAL LONG HAIR COLORPOINTS WHO HAVE RECENTLY DEVELOPED WHITE DANDRUFF>IN VERY THICK FUR NOT VERY SUITABLE FOR WASHING> IS IT A CANDIDA SITUATION (yeast) and what do I do for them please.  I use flea prevention treatment regularly and have not had this before.  Please help.


It sounds as if they really need a thorough bath.

When we bathe, we first use Groomer's Goop to get the hard grease out.  We then use a clarifying shampoo like Suave or Pantene to strip the coat and make the coat wetter than wet.

The dandruff can be due to a number of things.  The coat can be dried out.  She can just need a good bath.  I would not assume anything major unless there is a reason to.  

If you had fleas, the powdery substance (flea dirt) would appear black and turn red when it hits water.

Are your Colorpoints mat free?  How often do you comb them?  How often had you been bathing them.

Now, colorpoints in the USA are Siamese which come in point colors other than chocolate, seal, lilac, and blue. Colorpoints in the UK are Persians (or Persian like cats) with the Siamese pattern.  I am assuming these are the latter.

For people with Persians, I recommend combing every day and bathing once a week.  What regimen have you been following.

By the way, if you bath a cat with mats, that only creates more mats, so one needs to get rid of mats before bathing.

Please let me have some more information, so I can be of some more help with this problem.

Best regards... Norm.