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my cat is in hiding


I just adobted a new cat yesturday and he is a 1 yr old cat. The minute I let him out his carrier he took off and hid under my dresser. He has not come out at all to eat or use his litter box, I've tryed to get him to come out with cat treats and it dosent work. Is this normal and how can I get him to come out?

His actions and reactions right now are more than likely the result of fear and confusion. Go slowly. It will take time. Everything is new and different for him. Keep speaking gently to him and get him used to your voice and presence. But don't try to coax him out. He will come out when he feels comfortable and secure enough, though that may take awhile.

Ideally, you should confine the cat in a large cage or carrier that has room for a small litterbox, food/water dishes, plus something to cuddle with or hide under, such as a towel or piece of your clothing...or in a  small room, blocking up everything he could crawl into, or under, until he no longer runs or hides from you. Then you can put him in a larger room. As he gets more courageous let him explore a room at the time. Sudden freedom in a whole house is too overwhelming.

Food is the key to taming. Chicken flavored baby food is good bribe, but make sure it does not contain onion. The kitten may hesitate to eat in your presence at first, but be patient. Eventually the kitten will associate your presence with food. How soon you can begin handling the kitten depends on the kitten's age and temperament. The more often kittens are handled, the more likely they are to be social.

He will be fine but it will take some time, patience, and love. First let him acclimate to the new surroundings, the new sounds, the new smells, and new people. He will come around when he not so scared and gets used to things.
