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Siamese Cats



I have a small question, and hopefully you can answer this some.

I have always adored Siamese cats, and always thought them to be so cute. I have recently decided to get one.  I looked them up, and I see they're very affectionate, and social.  
There are also 4 different types.

Lilac Point
Seal Point
Blue Point
Chocolate Point

So, I was just wandering, aside from appearance, are there any other differences?

Thanks,  Matt.


There used to be differences cited based on color of points in the old timey cat books.  However, over the years, the point colors have been so intermixed, if these difference ever did exist, they no longer do!!!!!

I am sure there are those Siamese breeders who insist they are different, but, my guess is that if you expect cats to behave a certain way from kittenhood, they will!!!!!! (Just like human children -- to a point!)

I would be guided more by how the kitten reacts to me rather than its point color.

Best regards... Norm.