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Cats for small spaces


Hi Norman,

I live in a 36sqm studio with a balcony and i really would love a cat.
I was wondering if there is a particular breed of cat that would suit small apartment living??

Thanks so much & Kind Regards,



Actually, any breed of cat would do fine.  You need to remember that most cats live in all 3 dimensions, so you can increase their living space by providing places for them to get to in the vertical dimension.  A good, sturdy exercise post which goes from floor almost to the ceiling  with cubbyholes and shelves, placed so the cat could look out a window would be fine.

I would be leery of balconies.  I have had cats jump off and do fine even though I thought it would be too high for them to do so.

Depending on what you are looking for in temperament and personality, activity level, maintenance, would determine what breeds you might consider.

Best regards... Norm.