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cat vomieting


Hello, I have a 1 year old kitten. Last night i woke up and saw vomiet on the stairs. I thought mabye he just didn't feel well. Then later today he was vomeiting.
I dont have a vet yet so i dont know what to do! Please help me ASAP I think this is serious and i do not know how to handle it. Plese reply ASAP!!! Please!!!!
Very urgent!!!!


Hi Jennifer,

Cat vomit doesn't necessaryly mean your cat is sick. It could be a hairball. Or it could be a sore throat. You need to take him to a vet. You should have one. Make sure you are able to describe what it looked like and what your cat was doing before he vomited. Don't panic. Just get him to the vet. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen