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One cat -Vs- Two

20 16:45:45

Hi! I adopted my first cat, a 1 year old male tabby from the Humane Society in March. I am enjoying very much owning a cat and learning all about cats since I grew up with dogs and before this, I knew very little about them.

My cat is very playful and affectionate, I play with him for at least 45 mins every night but he is alone all day while I am at work. This summer is going to be particularly busy for me and he will be spending several weekends alone (Friday-early Sunday). He will have plenty of food and water but I worry about him getting lonely. I have heard that cats do better when there are two of them..I don't really want to get another cat but I don't want him to be lonely. Also, since he is an indoor only cat leaving the house can be traumatic for him but I do have a friend who has 2 young and playful cats. The next time I leave for a weekend, should I bring him over there?  I just want to be the best owner I can and I do try to minimize my weekends away but some can't be avoided. My friends all tell me that he will be fine (and he has been so far, maybe a little lonely from what I can tell) and that I am just used to dogs and not being able to leave them alone. Do you think it is cruel to have only 1 cat? Do you have any suggestions as to what I can entertain my cat with while I am gone and whether or not I should bring him to my friends house.

Hi Jen,

I think it would be the greatest thing in the world for your cat to get him a playmate.  Choose a female kitten, and they will have an easier time adjusting to each other.  One cat alone always is very lonely.... and they have no way of telling you about that.  I just know that my two are inseperable and it always makes me feel less guilty when I have to leave them alone, knowing there are two of them to play with each other and take care of each other.  Good luck, and let me know how it goes.  Write anytime.  I have had major computer problems, but they are fixed now.  Barb