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6 Weeks Old And Food Aggresive


I just adopted 2 6 week old sisters from the humane society. I have 3 other cats and i have a lot of knowledge on cats but i dont understand why the loveing outgoing kitten of the 2 is VERY food aggresive. My other kittens, the female was 2 the male but she wasnt really bad and she would let my boyfriend and i stick our hands in her food and pet her when she ate she just didnt let the male eat but she was over it in like a week. I havnt introduced the kittens to the older babies because i want them to see a vet but i know if she does this when she meets them theyll beat her up to say the least. but Now these 2 have been together since birth and she freaks out. I stick my hand in her food and she snaps and scratchs and growls but shes so tiny its nothing to me but to her sister it is. Her sister cant eat ANYTHING while she eats even if its not in the same bowl. I pet her and everything and she growls and gets so angry. I flick her butt alittle but she wont stop. Feeding time is the ONLY time shes mean. She runs around crazy when i take her food away. I dont know how to make her stop so her sister can get food 2. I thought it would just take time but its not working.


She must be a feral kitten or from at feral parent, or a throwback to the wild when food was in short supply and what food cats got they viscously protected and fought over.

I would feed her separate in another room, like in a bathroom that you can close the door so she won't be afraid another cat will get her food. Also I would have free-choice kitten chow available to her so she can eat when she wants. She will grow out of it when she sees that there is enough food for her and she doesn't have to fight for it.

Also you may want to worm her. But don't get over the counter wormers because the worms are getting immune to them...get some from a vet.
