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An overwhelming love.


I have a 10 year old, neutered male, whom I adore.  He constantly tries to (what I call herding)to heard me to a chair or my bed so I can sit down, then he promptly hops on me, settles in my arms, and waits for loving.  I feel he has become very demanding.  I love my cat, he is driving me nuts.  I tried spending all my days off with him to help reassure him.  Not working.  He is healthy, no physical problems. Help!


Provided that your veterinarian has checked your kitty over and declared him fit in every way I would recommend that you treat your kitty calmly and assertively. You will want to reward calm and undemanding behavior from your kitty with quiet praise and gentle affection. I would not recommend that you continue to allow your kitty to dictate when and how attention will come his way. I would recommend that you try a homeopathic remedy called Bach's Rescue Remedy. You can generally purchase Rescue Remedy at health food/natural health stores. Rescue Remedy is a blend of flower essences that helps to calm and reassure your kitty. In case this is a mild to moderate case of separation anxiety I would recommend that you try a dosage of about 10 drops every day in fresh water. If his demands for affection don't start to settle over time you may need to speak to your vet and see if he/she recommends treatment for separation anxiety. Hopefully this information helps. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.