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new kitty issues


my fiancee loves Siamese cats and recently lost one of old age earlier this year, he has been talking about wanting another one ever since we have been together. He gave me strict guidelines about what to look for. I finally found a little 7 week old kitten and we brought her home. We know she is pure Siamese, we were also told she is great around other pets (cats and dogs alike) as well as completely litter trained. However, we have had her less than a week and she's used the litter box twice. I would like to think that its just her getting too excited  while playing with our Toy Chihuahua that she ''forgets'' yet every cat I have ever owned has never done this, even as kittens. She keeps to a basic area when she doesn't use the litter box. It seems any blanket in the area she will use or just go on our couch. I really don't know what to do. I need it to stop, I'm pregnant and can't have her going all over the house. What can I do?


Every cat is different and some do take longer to adjust to new situations and some are also a little slow at learning how to use the litter tray.

i suspect it is a combination of things. her age, the new home, the other animals and people she is getting used to etc. this can all be rather overwhelming for some cats and she may just need some more time to adjust to her new surroundings. perhaps a few days to a week of litter training in combination with a little time out will help her.

Also I don't know how you introduced the other animals to her but it may also be a good idea to at the same time incorporate a little re introduction to her. these two pages on my site will explain the two techniques.



Also make sure that there is absolutely no trace of any previous scent from her urine as even the smallest speck will encourage her to go there again. this page will have some information on about how best to make sure that all traces are removed.


best wishes Kate